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Zero Waste Society

To help your society achieve Zero Waste, Kabadiwala with its services connects the ends of the linear economy together to transform it into a circular one. Our journey to Zero Waste starts with a focus on preventing waste from the beginning of the chain, then leads to minimizing waste as much as possible, recycling or rotting to produce resources that can be put back into the economy.

What We Do?

Other Services

Audit: An audit of your community’s existing waste management system to understand what changes need to be made and what infrastructure adjustments need to be made to successfully implement source separation.

Awareness: Spreading awareness among the community about source separation and zero waste lifestyle so that they can become an active part of the society’s journey towards zero waste.

Monitoring: Monitoring is done periodically to check if the program is going in the right direction and in the right way. This is done by properly reporting to farm staff and getting feedback from volunteers.

Recycling: Best Kabadiwala team collects the segregated waste weekly/monthly depending on the amount of waste generated and sends it for recycling, composting and necessary hazardous waste treatment.

Key Benefits